Wednesday 20 June 2012

A good whinge about music

Hey I thought it was time to get a new whinge out.   Here is my 'made in New York' whinge.  This one is about music and the sorry state of it.
I went to see a very talented musician play the other night (someone who is lauded in the music world) and was sad to see the 'hat' was being passed around to pay her.   Here was someone that you expected to be paid.  Someone who has worked with the top names in the business (Joe Jackson, Peter Gabriel and others).  To me this is just unacceptable.

The promoters are all making money while people are drinking in the bar and ordering food.  This occurs in the UK as well.  I hold respect for all the venues that pay you, feed you and give you drinks as remuneration.  Not paying musicians is just out of order.  Musicians hone their crafts, study, spend money and put their hearts and soul into their profession.

When I put shows on at Taurus, I always pay people from the proceeds at the door.  Is it any wonder people  love playing there?  It is atmospheric, has a great vibe and they come out winners.

This blog will probably put me on a promoter's blacklist, but I don't care.  I am tired of being taken advantage of and refuse to succumb to this kind of behaviour.   This is the reason I don't do many gigs. It is quality rather than quantity.

Comments please. x

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